Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Dear me. I glanced over the fact we are still in May! I suppose I am not fashionably late after all.

To Start a Series

Well, I promised to post in May and, since it is the first of June, this entry comes fashionably late. It becomes apparent one area in which I need to "become fair" is punctuality. With that tongue in cheek apology, we may proceed to introduce our newest, or I should say first, series: Becoming a Fair Lady in Look, Word and Deed. In that order. After all, it is a phrase in itself and coincides with "You can't judge a book by its cover" and "Actions speak louder than words." Ha! I alluded to three expressions in one title. Jenn is happy (yes, you are still dealing with a nerd and a blog all her own).

Anyway, through this series I hope to show how being a Fair Lady in heart is expressed in action. Remember, though, this comes from a Fair Lady in training who still yells at her mom and grows frustrated with her father, much to her dismay. I am not perfect nor do I pretend to be. These outward failings flow from from failings - sin - in my innermost being and have to be weeded out just like any outward gifts flow from the gift - grace - wrought in my soul by my heavenly Father and must be cultivated. My point is externals flow from internals. It must be kept in mind, especially since this series will be focusing on externals. We all know we are Pharisees at heart. 

Allow me two last thoughts before I close the introduction. First, praise God for He is a merciful God, He is our Father, He is our Provider of all we need to become the Fair Ladies He has chosen us to be, and He is faithful to bring about that end. Second, I pray my posts will always, always, always harken back to God's Word. That is the sole wellspring to a heart which makes us Fair Ladies and our only standard and hope. 

Now all the introducing in my power is introduced, we shall begin!


In another post.